Well, this is the first opportunity I have had to order some chemistry. I have been dying to do some film and make some fine prints but this no fixing agent situation has had me on the ropes. Here's why.
You need to wash the unexposed silver halides from the film and/or paper after it has been run through the developer. If you do not then there is still unexposed silver halides that cannot be exposed to any light whatsoever. Otherwise, the film or paper will continue to become exposed and darken. Without fixer there is no permanence in the film and/or paper.
So, I have ordered enough to get by until I am able to buy more, enough to get me through the year. I have ordered some Ilford Rapid Fixer. I have also ordered some Ilford Selenium Toner so that the prints I make will be hardened and will last much longer. I have not used Selenium Toner before. It is not all that involved. Just needs to be done.
See, I have not done a whole lot of printing over the years. A mess of postcards for APUG postcard exchanges. A few prints here or there, maybe ten negatives have been printed. About 30 Contact proof sheets for 35mm and 120 negatives.
But I have never been so motivated until now to dive into darkroom work, and not so much on a grand scale, rather, with such a fervor. This is something I have wanted to do for over ten years. And I finally have the place, and the skill, and the desire to do what makes me happy.
So, when the fix arrives on Wednesday, I will get past an appointment after work and either process some film on Wednesday night or on Thursday. And then this weekend I will finally bury the work on 'Stones'. And then I will go from there. I will be able to do some 4x5 photography because I can finally process the film after I shoot it and make the prints once the film is dry.
It's about time. I can hardly wait.
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