Processing - Printing Services

The following is a price list for services rendered by CAWP.  These prices are for hand-done work performed by yours truly.  These are not the lowest prices on the internet.  However, your film will be treated with the respect it deserves.  With CAWP, your film is in good hands.  That is my promise to you.

(A list of services and prices is located at the bottom of the page along with job numbers)

Black and White Film Processing: price per roll/tank for 4x5

35mm ... $6.00
120 and 220 ... $8.00
4x5 ... $12.00 (up to 12 sheets)

Contact Proof Sheets: 8x10 sheet

35mm 24 exp ... $6.00 (1-sheet)
35mm 36 exp ... $10.00 (2-sheets)
120 ... $6.00 (1-sheets)
220 ... $10.00 (2 sheets)
4x5 ... $6.00 (4 negatives max. per sheet)

Enlarged Prints:

Prints of 35mm negatives
4x6 prints of entire roll (24x) ... $12.00
4x6 prints of entire roll (36x) ... $20.00
4x6 prints of individual negatives ... $6.00 for 2 prints on one sheet
5x7 through 8x10 print of individual negatives ... $6.00 each

Prints of 120/220 negatives
4x4 through 4x8 prints for entire roll ... 120-$15.00 and 220-$25.00
4x10 through 8x10 print of individual negatives ... $6.00 each

Prints of 4x5 negatives ... 8x10 prints ... $6.00 each


(PP-Processing and Proof Sheet/ PPP Processing and Proof and Prints)
(formats: 35-35mm, 12-120, 22-220 and 45-4x5)

... 24 exposure roll ... $10.00
... 36 exposure roll ... $15.00

35PPP with 4x6 Prints of entire roll
... 24 exposure roll ... $20.00
... 36 exposure roll ... $32.00

12PP ... $12.00

12PPP with 4x4 through 4x8 prints of entire roll ... $25.00

22PP ... $16.00

22PPP with 4x4 through 4x8 prints of entire roll ... $37.00

45PP ... $15.00 (per four sheets of film)

Things to consider when having photographic work done by CAWP
- When sending sheet film, you MUST indicate all pertinent information. Film manufacturer, type, ISO, EI, required processing.  Separate sheets according to any different combinations of that information.  Otherwise disasterous results may occur.
- Cutting roll film negatives and placing them in archival negative storage sheets ... free of charge
- All roll films will be returned uncut unless this service is specified.
- I only process and print black and white negative film.  No C-41 color process and no E-6 reversal.  Black and White Films only.
- For large format films: If you request different processing for sheet film, the 'per 12 sheet' price applies to films requiring the same degree of processing.  (ie. up to 12 sheets of N-1, up to 12 sheets of N+2, etc.)  This is a per tank price.
- You may request different processing for roll films.  Bear in mind, the entire roll will be developed uniformly.  Please state push of pull processing before work is done. Otherwise normal processing will be given.
- Maximum normal print size is 8x10. Maximum normal sheet size is 8x10.  Larger print sizes can be requested.  Please contact for availability and pricing before sending negatives.
- Chemistry used is Kodak HC110, Kodak Indicator Stop, Kodafix, Photo Flo and Ilford Multigrade Paper Developer.  Paper used is Orient Seagull VC/RC II 8x10 glossy.  If you have another preference of any kind, please contact me first as it will need to be acquired prior to printing.  If you just send it I will contact you and, barring special instructions, I will proceed as I normally would.  So, please make certain to contact me prior to any work being done.
- Unless specific cropping and processing is stated with your order or in communications between you and I, I will do everything as if it required normal processing, printing and cropping.  For sizes that differ in aspect from the format being worked with, I ask you please furnish instructions at the very least.  Direct communication would be more highly preferred.  Otherwise I will crop toward centering in absence of instructions.
- I do not offer mounting or retouching services at this time.  Please do not request it.
- You are responsible for shipping negatives to me.  All prices above include return shipping within the continental US.  There may be additional s&h to other areas.  Please inquire before shipping to me.
- Now for the required disclaimer stuff.  I will not be held responsible for film or prints that are lost and or damaged in transit, for film that is improperly exposed or for acts of God (ie. an asteroid strikes my darkroom, thus rendering it unusable).  I will replace film I have damaged or handled incorrectly with the exact type damaged.  I will not be responsible for lost future income as a result of any damages on my part.
- COMMUNICATION is key.  I would rather bother you with every minutae and you I than to have a major little detail swept under the rug.  Do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions you might have. However, if you just want it done, do not hesitate to just mail it my way.

My shipping address is:
Christopher A. Walrath Photography
317 South Spinnaker Lane
Milton, Delaware USA

My email is:
Contact me before sending any materials with which to be worked.

Thank you.

Service # Description of Service Price each
35FP24 Processing 35mm B&W Film 24- and 36-exposure roll $6
MFFP Processing 120/220 B&W Film $8
45FP Processing 4x5 B&W Film up to 12 sheets (one tank) $12
CPS24120 Contact Proof Sheet for 120 or 24-exposure 35mm $6
CPS36220 Contact Proof Sheets for 220 or 36-exposure 35mm $10
CPS45 Contact Proof Sheet for 4x5 (four negatives printed) $6
354624 4x6 Enlarged Prints for entire 24-exposure roll 35mm $12
354636 4x6 Enlarged Prints for entire 36-exposure roll 35mm $20
35461N 4x6 Enlarged Prints for an individual 35mm negative $6 for 2
135P1N 5x7-8x10 Prints for individual negative 35mm $6
1204XP 4x4-4x8 Prints for entire roll 120 film $15
12P1NL 4x10-8x10 Prints for individual negative 120/220 film $6
2204XP 4x4-4x8 Prints for entire roll 220 film $25
12P1NS 4x4-4x8 Prints for individual negative 120/220 film $6 for 2
45P1N 8x10 Prints for individual 4x5 negative $6
35PP24 35mm 24-exp Processing and Proof Sheet $10
35PPP24 35mm 24-exp Processing, Proof Sheet and 4x6 Prints $20
35PP36 35mm 36-exp Processing and Proof Sheets $15
35PPP36 35mm 36-exp Processing, Proof Sheets and 4x6 Prints $32
120PP 120 Processing and Proof Sheet $12
120PPP 120 Processing, Proof Sheet and 4x4-4x8 Prints $25
220PP 220 Processing and Proof Sheets $16
220PPP 220 Processing , Proof Sheets and 4x4-4x8 Prints $37
45PP 4x5 Processing and Proof Sheet (4 negatives) $15

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