Cameras and related gear
Calumet 5x4 Monorail View Camera
Schneider Krueznach 90mm Angulon Lens f/6.8 mounted in a Copal 0 shutter
Schneider Krueznach 180mm Symmar Lens f/5.6 mounted in a Copal 1 shutter
Minolta XG-1 35mm SLR camera body
28-80mm Soligor Macro Zoom f/2.8 MC/MD mount lens
80-200mm Soligor Macro Zoom f/3.5 MC/MD mount lens
Soligor 1 degree Spot meter
Assia APGL3 tripod
Assorted filters/ 52mm threaded/ Cokin 'P'
color corrective, grad ND, ND, Circ Pol
Enlargers and related gear
"Fat Man" - Beseler 57MB motorized enlarger
Rodenstock 150mm f/3.5 enlarging lens
Rodenstock 50mm f/3.5 enlarging lens
4x5 glass negative carrier
"Little Boy" - Fujimoto Lucky 60M enlarger
Fujimoto 50mm f/3.5 enlarging lens
Fujimoto 75mm f/3.5 enlarging lens
135 and 120 (6cm x 6cm) negative carriers
Ilford contrast filter set (00-5)
Non descript two blade easel up to 11x14
Old 9" B&L enlarging lens
Gralab 300 darkroom timer
Arista Red Safelight
Tanks, trays, bottles and graduates and stuff
Film and related items 4x5 ISO 100
Ilford Delta 4x5 ISO 100
Kodak T-Max TMY2 135 roll ISO 400
Efke 135 roll ISO 25
Kodak HC110 Black and White Film Developer
Kodak Indicator Stop Bath
Kodafix Fixing Agent
Kodak Photo-Flo Wetting Agent
Paper and related items
Orient Seagull RC/VC II 8x10 glossy
Arista Ultra RC/VC II 8x10 glossy
Ilford Multigrade Paper Developer
Kodak Indicator Stop Bath
If you would like to learn how to use darkroom gear, please feel free to drop me a line. I would be open to a discussion or even a visit here to introduce you to the darkroom, small though it may be.
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