Rodinal (pronounced rod-in-all)
Rodinal is a two part general purpose film developer. I gives good edge sharpness and high emulsion speed yield. Subject contrast can be affected by changing dilution of the stock solution. For normal developing mix 1:25 or 1:50 with water at 20C. For semi-stand developing or stand developing mix 1:100 with water at 20C. The stock solution, which you will have by following the instructions below, can have a shelf life of 6 months or more. When diluted to working strength, its life is drastically reduced so it should not be mixed until just prior to use. You make the two portions separately as instructed below and then combine them prior to use. However, these two parts must be mixed together to be used. They cannot be used separately.
Solution A
150mL - Water (75C/165F)
20g - p-Aminophenol Hydrochloride
60g - Potassium Metabisulfite
Mixing Instructions:
Boil 150mL and allow to cool to 75C/165F. Pour into a thick ceramic or glass container. First, add 1g of the Potassium Metabisulfite. Stir until it is dissolved. Now add the p-Aminophenol Hydrochloride. Stir until it is nearly dissolved. Some sources say 75% dissolved. Just until it is nearly translucent but you can still see it in the solution. Next, add the remaining 19g of the Potassium Metabisulfite and stir until the solution is completely mixed.
Solution B
150mL - Cold Water
25g - Sodium Hydroxide
Mixing Instructions:
Pour 150mL cold water into a thick ceramic or glass container. Fill a large container with ICE COLD WATER for use as a water bath. Place the container holding the 150mL cold water into the bath to temper. Add the Sodium Hydroxide to the 150mL cold water and stir until completely dissolved.
To Make Stock Solution
Solution A
Solution B
700mL cold water
Mixing Instructions:
After allowing Part A to cool to 52C/125F, pour both parts into a one gallon bottle and cap it tightly. Shake for 1 minute over a sink and then let the bottle sit and the solution settle. Then shake for another 30 seconds until the solution becomes cloudy. Add cold water to make 1L.
Now separate the solution into 2- 500mL bottles. Allow them to sit for two days until the solution is clear. There will be sediment on the floor of the bottles. Pour each solution into a temporary container, filtering through a coffee filter. Rinse the container and then pour the Rodinal back in. Repeat process for the other 500mL bottle. Wait another 48 hours and repeat this process with each bottle. The developer is ready for use.
Developing Information
For small tank processing at 1:25 or 1:50 dilution, agitate continuously for the first minute and invert once every 30 seconds thereafter.
Rodinal Time Chart for roll films.
The above are good starter times. As always, for best results you should test your film to your chemical process to achieve the best results possible.
Some times listed for sheet films on the MASSIVE DEV CHART (right up there across from the Neopan times). Given the speeds, I would presume that these times would relate to tank processing times as they appear similar to the roll film times and tray processing generally takes much longer.
Ilford FP4+ ISO125 4x5
At box speed and 20C:
1-25 9:00
1-50 15:00
At EI200 and 20C:
1-25 13:00
1-50 20:00
Ilford HP5+ ISO400 4x5
At box speed and 20C:
1-25 6:00
1-50 11:00
At EI1600 and 20C:
1-25 12:00
1-50 24:00
At EI200 and 20C:
1-25 5:00
1-50 10:00
Kodak T-Max TMY-2 ISO400 4x5
At box speed and 20C
1-25 6:00
1-50 12:00
At EI200 and 20C:
1-50 8:00
Kodak T-Max TMX ISO100 4x5
At box speed and 20C
1-25 6:00
1-50 12:00
At EI50 and 20C
1-50 10:00
Arista.EDU Ultra ISO100 4x5
At box speed and 20C
1-50 7:00
Arista.EDU Ultra ISO400 4x5
At box speed and 20C
1-25 5:30
1-50 11:00
Stop, fix, rinse and dry in accordance to your film and the other chemistry your are using.
Here is a link to a fantastic article regarding stand developing.
Tutorial: Standing Development with Rodinal
There are many more combinations available on the MASSIVE DEV CHART at
And, as always, test your process before trusting it to serious work. Measure twice, cut once. That's what my Dad always said. He seldom did it, but the wisdom is sound nonetheless.
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